Amazon EC2 Data Transfer Pricing
Incoming EC2 Data Transfer Costs
EC2 instances have different incoming data transfer costs than that of outgoing data transfer costs. Now, go ahead and check out the pricing information regarding incoming Data Transfer costs for EC2:
Its free of costs, excluding:
- The use of an Elastic or Public IP address, costs 1 cent per GB
- Redshift, EC2, RDS and ElastiCache instances or Elastic Network Interfaces found in a different AZ or a peered VPC located in the same Region, cost 1 cent per GB
For the sake of understanding the previously mention pricing information in a more intensive way, you will have to get to learn the usage scenarios where incoming data transfers occur with EC2 instances.
– Incoming data transfer may occur at the time when developers try to upload code and more software modules to their application server. In very rare cases does this type of data transfer’s volume tends to cross volumes in multiples of GBs. Even when this happens, in case your EC2 instance was utilizing an Elastic or Public IP address, its cost is going to reach a maximum of 1 cent per every GB only.
– A different usage scenario where this happens is simply when end users of this app tend to upload some high-volume data like that of an image, video and audio files to their app server. In the case that such a use case is not found in the app, you are going to have to get worried about incurring any incoming data transfer charge at all.
Outgoing EC2 Data Transfer Costs
Check out some of the billing information regarding outgoing data transfer pricing for your EC2 instances.
It is going to be feed out of EC2 for:
- The use of an Elastic or public IP address, costs 1 cent per each GB
- RDS, EC2, Redshift or ElastiCache instances, Elastic Load Balancing
- Elastic Network Interfaces found in a different AZ or peered VPC located in the same Region, cost 1 cent per every GB
- A different Region, costs 2 cents per GB
You are going to have to acknowledge the previously mentioned information through looking at some usage scenarios for the sake of evaluating your cost implications.
– Mainly, your previously stated costs above may merely get incurred at the time that your data transfer takes place through the use of web services happening between 2 Elastic and Public IP addresses.
Also, in such use cases, the cost will merely be reaching about a price of 1 cent per each GB.
– Another different use case is when the data which is stored in your EC2 instance need to get directly moved to some specialized storage service such as that of Amazon RDS.
– An even third use case is that of the Disaster Recovery app where data gets moved between storage services that are located in differing regions.
Optimizing Costs through CloudFront

EC2 Data Transfer Pricing – optimizing cost through CloudFront
Your data transfer cost is going to be free for a lot of the most common usage scenarios when you choose to transfer data between storage located in the exact same zones.
No data transfer cost is going to be incurred upon the transfer of data out of EC2 to the following services:
- S3, SES, Glacier, SimpleDB, DynamoDB, or SQS found in the same Region
- EC2, Redshift, RDS, ElastiCache instances, Elastic Load Balancing or Elastic Network Interfaces that are located in the exact same AZ
- The use of a private IP address
- CloudFront
After carefully observing the previously mentioned billing information, it can be clearly noticed that there will be zero cost for transferring data from EC2 to CloudFront. What we may imply from this is that in case we tend to leverage CloudFront to server video, images and audio files to your end-users, we are going to be capable of keeping our data transfer costs maintained at a greatly optimal level.
Data Transfer Intensive Applications Cost Optimization

EC2 Data Transfer Pricing – intensive applications cost optimization
The Developers and Administrators of Web Apps that are considered data intensive like the following:
– Websites which include thousands and millions of users
– Apps which utilize audio-video files in heavy volumes
Big Data apps require taking adequate control in data transfer for the sake of avoiding any surprise thorns in your billing information.
Data Transfer costs for the unique purpose data storage services shall charge some costs that are particular to which storage type utilized. Nonetheless, it will still be free in case the data transfer occurs between instances that are located in the exact same AZ.
It is considered highly important to get to acknowledge the time when your data transfer costs become applicable for your usage of EC2 instances. Even though there exist a lot of sources for your billing information regarding costs of data transfer, you are still required to place this information within the occurrence of real usage scenarios for the sake of acquiring a better understanding of what costs will be incurred.