APN Consulting Partners

Did you know?

More than 90% of Fortune 100 companies use APN Partner solutions and services.

AWS Partner Network Consulting Partners help businesses – from SMBs to large organizations, to design, architect, develop, migrate, and manage their applications on Amazon Web Services. Once you’re an APN Consulting Partner, you get access to various managed service providers (MSPs), strategic consultancies, system integrators, value-added resellers, and more.

An APN Consulting Partner can access various training tools, resources, and support to build, market, and sell with the APN.

Benefits of Becoming an APN Consulting Partner

Becoming a member of an APN gives you access to a number of benefits. These include technical and business resources, such as APN-specific content and training opportunities and business planning resources. Some other benefits of becoming an APN Consulting Partner include:

  • Access to ‘Go-to-market’ resources
  • Training & Certification,
  • Market Development Funding (MDF),
  • Innovation Sandbox Credits
  • Increased visibility to AWS customers and AWS field teams

Moreover, APN offers you an opportunity to become a member of an expanding community of Consulting and Technology partners both within the EMEA and globally. It also offers you an opportunity to engage with fellow APN partners to learn best practices from one another and engage in potential opportunities to drive customer success together

Why must you register with APN?

Registering with APN makes you eligible for various benefits such as:

  • Access to APN Partner Central
  • Discount up to 20% on AWS Instructor-led training
  • Access to APN Webcasts
  • Access to various online pieces of training and accreditations such as AWS Technical Professional, AWS Business Professional, and more
  • AWS solution training for partners
  • Eligibility for the AWS SaaS partner program

How to become an APN consulting partner?

As Amazon Partners Network Consulting Partners can help you take your business to the next level, you must be excited to know how to get started with it  – Read on!

APN Consulting Partners’ journey consists of three steps:

  • Step 1: Register
  • Step 2: Select
  • Step 3: Advanced

Register Tier

Register as an APN Partner

Open an account at the APN Partner Central. It’s an APN Portal, where you practically do everything — submitting requests, filling applications, adding customers’ references and so on. You can also track your APN achievements by using the “Partner Scorecard” on the APN Portal.

Once you register with APN Partner Central, you’ll get your APN Partner Central credentials in your email. You will require these credentials to access valuable training, webcasts, best practices, whitepapers, and many more resources. Once you obtain the Register tier, you can apply for the “Select” tier and then for the “Advanced” tier.

Select Tier

Benefits and requirements of Select Tier

Here are some of the benefits that you can achieve by applying for the “Select” tier:

  • Select Partner Logo – You can use this logo on your website, or any of your collateral.
  • AWS Promotional Credits— Once you pay your annual APN program fee, you get $3.5K in AWS credits.
  • APN Marketing Central Access — This gives you an opportunity to access multiple pre-approved and self-served campaigns. This will also give you an opportunity to work with AWS’s recommended digital marketing agency on a customized campaign.
  • AWS Promotional Credits for AWS Certification — You get promotional credits of $300 per Associate Certification and $500 per Professional or Specialty Certification.
  • APN Competency Program — You can apply for the Competency Program. This means you can work on your Advanced status AND competency simultaneously, and save some valuable time!
  • AWS Solution finder – It’s a tool that you can use to search for solutions within the AWS partner’s network.

Once your company gets displayed in the APN Finder, take some time to add beneficial information about your company. Once you co

Select Tier — requirements:

To obtain the ‘Select’ tier, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Company Name
  • Country
  • Problem Statement/ Definition
  • Proposed Solution & Architecture (of your company)
  • Start and End Date of Project (approximate)
  • Outcomes of Project & Success Metrics
  • Describe TCO Analysis Performed
  • Lessons Learned
  • Public customers references
  • Direct revenue orlLaunch opportunities
  • Customer satisfaction, and more

To apply for the Advanced tier, you will be needed to share two client references. Make sure to get more than two references as it will save some valuable time later on, and speed up the process.

Advanced tier — benefits and requirements

Obtaining the advanced tier is a MUST. It opens doors to indefinite opportunities that can help your business in so many ways.

Advanced tier — main Benefits:

As an Advanced partner, you get eligible for the following:

  • APN Advanced logo — You get the “Advanced” partner logo, which you can use on your website as well as any of your collaterals.
  • AWS Promotional Credit — You get credits of $5K after making payment of the annual APN program fee).
  • Market Development Funding (MDF) — You get credits of $15K (annually). You get an additional $5k credit if you also have Competency.
  • AWS Promotional Credit for AWS Certification — You get credits of the amount $300 per Associate Certification and $500 per Professional or Specialty Certification.
  • Joint AWS Case Studies — A written/ video case study that shows how your company solves specific challenges of AWS customers.
  • APN Guest Blog Post — You can publish a blog post on the APN blog.
  • Joint Webinars.
  • Access to APN Marketing Central
  • Competency Program – You can apply for the DevOps Competency Program.

Need more information on APN Consulting Partners, stay tuned to our blog!

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Amazon Chime